
Fertige Professionelle Websites

Webseitenerstellung in 48 Stunden. Die abschließenden Technologien unseres Unternehmens sparen Ihnen Zeit und Kosten für das Pre-Projekt von Internetseiten.


Im Internet finden Sie eine riesige Anzahl an Webseitenvorlagen mit atemberaubenden Designs. Worauf sollten Sie beim Kauf einer Webseitenvorlage achten? Auf die Qualität der Programmierung. Suchmaschinen-Crawler überprüfen den Quellcode - seine Gültigkeit, Semantik und Mikrodaten.


Unsere Datenbank umfasst mehrere Dutzend professionell gestaltete Webseitenvorlagen. Wählen Sie ein fertiges Webseitenprojekt mit dem geeignetsten Design, überprüfen Sie die technischen Spezifikationen und bestellen Sie die Webseitenverteilung mit oder ohne Hosting-Installation.



Wedding website.
Price: 39 EUR



Webseite für ein Modegeschäft
Price: 199 EUR

All pizza 4U

All pizza 4U

Fertige Webseite für Restaurant.
Preis: 759 EUR

Vinyl Store

Vinyl Store

Webseite für einen Online-Shop
Preis: 79 EUR



Preis: 79 EUR

Elektronische Gadgets

Elektronische Gadgets

elektronische Gadgets Website-Projekt.
Preis: 79 EUR



Webseite für Projekte.
Preis: 79 EUR



Webseite für Immobilienagentur.
Preis: 990 EUR

Look at me

Look at me

Webseite für einen Schönheitssalon.
Preis: 79 EUR



Website für die Vermietung.
Preis: 1250 EUR

Travel Blog

Travel Blog

Website for travel blog.
Preis: 39 EUR



Fertige Hotel-Webseite.
Preis: 79 EUR | 690 EUR



Web für Wohltätigkeit.
Preis: 79 EUR



Webseite für Finanzen.
Preis: 79 EUR



Website für den Online-Handel.
Preis: 79 EUR



Website für Auktionen.
Preis: 5900 EUR



Website for blogging.
Preis: 79 EUR



Ready-made website for a bar, pub, or restaurant.
Preis: 79 EUR



Ready-made website for SEO presentation.
Preis: 79 EUR

John S. ONE

John S. ONE

Ready-made website for portfolio.
Preis: 79 EUR



Ready-made website for blog, portfolio.
Preis: 79 EUR



Ready-made website for modeling.
Preis: 79 EUR



Web für Bildung.
Preis: 79 EUR



Website für Anwälte.
Preis: 79 EUR



Ready-made website for gadget presentation.
Preis: 79 EUR



Ready Vintage Retro Style Online Store.
Preis: 79 EUR

Floral Design

Floral Design

Floristry-inspired Online Store.
Preis: 79 EUR

Baby Shop

Baby Shop

Children's Online Store Website.
Preis: 79 EUR



Ready-made SEO Online Store.
Preis: 79 EUR



Ready-made website with a sports theme.
Preis: 79 EUR



Travel and hotel booking website.
Preis: 690 EUR



Website for rental services.
Preis: 575 EUR

Route D1

Route D1

Ready-made online store for car sales.
Preis: 399 EUR



Ready-made website, visual style for sale.
Preis: 290 EUR

Black Eve

Black Eve

Fashion clothing store.
Preis: 1520 EUR



Website for a yacht club, rentals.
Preis: 650 EUR

  • Wedding
  • Guess-A
  • All pizza 4U
  • Vinyl Store
  • Decor
  • Elektronische Gadgets
  • Architekt
  • Immobilien-Webseite
  • Look at me
  • Rentarna
  • Travel Blog
  • Hotel
  • Hope
  • Finanzen
  • Storefront
  • Auktionen
  • Writer
  • Quark
  • Simplicity
  • John S. ONE
  • Creativity
  • Fashion
  • University
  • Justitia
  • Technews
  • Retro
  • Floral Design
  • Baby Shop
  • Decor
  • Athlete
  • Infinity
  • iRent
  • Route D1
  • Luxury
  • Black Eve
  • iCaptain
  • Fertige Hochzeitswebseite

    Ein originelles Hochzeitsgeschenk für das Brautpaar - ein professionelles Projekt zur Hochzeitsregistrierung und -feier auf einer Webseite.

    In Indien werden Ehemännern zur Hochzeit Gewehre geschenkt, und Frauen bekommen einen roten Punkt auf die Stirn gemalt. Eine fertige Hochzeitswebseite von FABER VISUM - ein humanes Hochzeitsgeschenk für das Brautpaar.

    Die Webseite kann für jede Veranstaltung individuell angepasst werden.

    Technische Spezifikationen der Webseite:

    • Content-Management-System.
    • Online Hochzeitsplaner.
    • Hochzeitsfotogalerie.
    • Unterstützung für Videoinhalte.
    • Kompatibilität mit mobilen Geräten.
    • Moderne Programmiersprachen - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Gültiger Code - ein wichtiger Parameter für die SEO-Optimierung.

  • Fertige Webseite für ein Modegeschäft

    Eine professionelle Lösung für einen Online-Shop, der Modekollektionen, Designer und Bekleidungsateliers präsentiert und verkauft. Die Webseite kann für jede andere Art von Geschäft angepasst werden.

    Technische Spezifikationen des Online-Shops:

    • Content-Management-System basierend auf Joomla!
    • Integrierter Designer-Blog.
    • Sortierung der Modekollektionen nach Themen.
    • Einfache Bearbeitung von Webseiten.
    • Professioneller Online-Shop.
    • Kontaktformulare für Kundenfeedback.
    • Stilvolle Galerie für Modeaccessoires.
    • Vorbereitete Struktur zur Präsentation von Modestilen.
    • Kompatibilität mit mobilen Geräten.
    • Moderne Programmiersprachen - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Gültiger Code - ein wichtiger Parameter für die SEO-Optimierung.

    Demo Details
  • Webseite für Pizza-Bestellung und -Lieferung.

    Eine professionelle Lösung für einen Online-Shop, der ein Pizzarestaurant präsentiert und Essen und Getränke online verkauft, mit einem Reservierungs- und Liefersystem. Die Webseite kann für ein Restaurant, eine Bar, ein Café oder jede andere Art von Geschäft angepasst werden.

    Technische Spezifikationen der Webseite:

    • Content-Management-System.
    • Individuelles Reservierungssystem für Gerichte.
    • Fotogalerie des Restaurants und Menü.
    • Webseitenanpassung für mobile Geräte.
    • Moderne Programmiersprachen - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Gültiger Code - ein wichtiger Parameter für die SEO-Optimierung.
    • Videopräsentation der Bar, des Clubs oder Pubs auf der Webseite.
    • Bequeme Karte, die den Standort des Restaurants zeigt.

    Demo Details
  • Professionelle Lösung für den Online-Verkauf.

    Ein modernes, fertiges Design für einen Online-Shop zum Verkauf von Audiogeräten, wie im Beispiel für Audioaufnahmen gezeigt. Der Online-Shop kann für jede Art von Produkt verwendet werden.

    Technische Spezifikationen des Online-Shops:

    • Dynamische Produktfilterung.
    • Einseitiger Checkout.
    • Automatischer Rechnungsversand.
    • Inventarverwaltungssystem.
    • Admin-Oberfläche in jeder Sprache.
    • Unterstützung für alle mobilen Geräte.
    • Programmiersprachen HTML5 | CSS3.
    • W3C-Konformität - fehlerfreies Programmieren.
    • Externe Bearbeitungsmöglichkeit.
    • Erhöhte Webseitensicherheit.
    • Einfache Produktverwaltung.
    • E-Shop auf Russisch.
    • Vielversprechende SEO-Optimierung.
    • Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten für zusätzliche Funktionen.
    • Fähigkeit, Sprachen hinzuzufügen.

    Demo Details
  • Originelle Lösung für den Online-Verkauf.

    Eine professionelle Webseite für einen Online-Shop zum Online-Handel, wie im Beispiel für dekorative Produkte für Innenarchitekturbüros oder Floristen gezeigt. Der Online-Shop kann für jede Art von Produkt verwendet werden.

    Technische Spezifikationen des Online-Shops:

    • Content-Management-System.
    • Integrierter dynamischer Blog.
    • Einfache Verwaltung von Inhalten und Produkten.
    • Einseitiger Checkout im Shop.
    • Automatische Rechnungsstellung und Buchhaltung.
    • Responsive Webseite für mobile Geräte.
    • Moderne Programmiersprache.
    • 100% sauberer Quellcode gemäß W3C-Standards.
    • Kann als Kataloggeschäft verwendet werden.
    • Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten für zusätzliche Funktionen.
    • Integration von strukturierten Daten (Google Rich Snippet).

    Demo Details
  • Webseite für den Online-Verkauf von Elektronik.

    Eine professionelle Webseite für einen Online-Shop zum Online-Handel, wie im Beispiel für elektronische Gadgets gezeigt. Der Online-Shop kann für jede Art von Produkt verwendet werden.

    Technische Spezifikationen der Webseite:

    • Dynamische Produktfilterung.
    • Einseitiger Checkout.
    • Automatische Rechnungsstellung.
    • Produktverwaltungssystem.
    • Administration in jeder Sprache.
    • Unterstützung für alle mobilen Geräte.
    • Programmiersprachen HTML5 | CSS3.
    • W3C-konformer Code.
    • Externe Inhaltsbearbeitung.
    • Erhöhte Webseitensicherheit.
    • Einfache Produktverwaltung.
    • E-Shop in jeder Sprache.
    • Vielversprechende SEO-Optimierung.
    • Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten für zusätzliche Funktionen.
    • Möglichkeit, Sprachen hinzuzufügen.

    Demo Details
  • Architekt. Fertige Webseite für Fotografen, Architekten, Foto-Präsentationen, Projekte.

    Stellen Sie sich einen Architekten oder einen professionellen Fotografen vor, der seine Dienstleistungen, Fotos und Projekte auf einer Webseite anbietet, die ihm nicht gehört. Es ist offensichtlich, dass nur professionelle Portfolio-Webseiten für Fotoprojekte die Aufmerksamkeit potenzieller Kunden auf Ihre Design- oder Fotodienstleistungen lenken können.

    Die Webseite kann für jedes Portfolio angepasst werden.

    Technische Spezifikationen der Webseite:

    • Open-Source-Kerncode.
    • Administration in jeder Sprache.
    • Einfache Inhaltsverwaltung.
    • Mehrere Komponenten.
    • Externe Inhaltsbearbeitung.
    • Erhöhte Webseitensicherheit.
    • Datenbankgesteuerte Inhalte.
    • Möglichkeit, Sprachen hinzuzufügen.
    • Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten für zusätzliche Funktionen.
    • Anpassung für mobile Geräte.
    • Moderne Programmiersprachen - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code-Gültigkeit - ein wichtiger Parameter für die SEO-Optimierung.

    Demo Details
  • Immobilien - fertige Webseite für den Verkauf oder die Vermietung von Immobilien, Immobilienagentur.

    Eine moderne Lösung für eine Webseite zum Verkauf, zur Vermietung und zur Suche von Immobilien mit Unterstützung für die Anzeige von Standorten auf einer Karte.

    Die Webseite kann für jedes Portfolio angepasst werden.

    Technische Spezifikationen der Immobilien-Webseite:

    • Content-Management-System.
    • Einfache Inhaltserstellung für Webseiten mit Immobilien.
    • Unterstützung für das Hinzufügen von Immobilienmaklern zur Webseite.
    • Integration der Immobiliensuche mit Google Maps oder OpenMap.
    • Responsives Design für mobile Geräte.
    • Moderne Programmiersprache.
    • 100% sauberer Quellcode gemäß W3C-Standards.
    • Kontaktformulare für Makler.
    • Sortierung von Immobilien nach Miete, Verkauf und Verfügbarkeit.
    • Blog, Galerie, Hypothekenrechner.

    Demo Details
  • Fertige Webseite für einen Schönheitssalon, Friseursalon oder ein Nagelstudio.

    Eine elegante Präsentation eines Friseursalons, Nagelstudios oder von Visagisten und Stylisten.

    Die Webseite kann für jedes Geschäft angepasst werden.

    Technische Spezifikationen der Webseite für Schönheitssalons:

    • Modernes Content-Management-System.
    • Integrierter Beauty-Blog.
    • Terminbuchungsmodul.
    • Einfache Bearbeitung der Webseite.
    • Dynamischer Katalog mit Shop-Option.
    • Atemberaubende Fotogalerie mit Haarschnitten und Maniküren.
    • Garantierte hohe Platzierung in Suchmaschinen.
    • Animierte Effekte auf den Webseiten des Salons.
    • Responsives Design für mobile Geräte.
    • Moderne Programmiersprachen - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code-Gültigkeit - ein wichtiger Parameter für die SEO-Optimierung.

    Demo Details
  • Ready-made startup for sale

    A modern portal for renting and selling real estate, goods, or services, with a dynamic search system, exclusion-based filtering of listings, and the ability to display geolocation of objects on a map - that's "Rent without borders." It's a ready-made system for conducting business online.

    The website can be customized for any business.

    Technical specifications of the rental website:

    • User-friendly website management system.
    • Integrated, fully automated online store.
    • Easy addition of items for sale or rent.
    • Support for adding rental conditions with price adjustments.
    • Support for object search on a map.
    • Responsive design for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • 100% W3C compliance for clean source code (important for SEO).
    • Offer submission form with payment option.
    • Ability to apply any filters to objects in the catalog.
    • Blog, gallery, support for modern multimedia interfaces.
    • 100% SEO optimization and integrated microdata system.

    Demo Details
  • Ready-made travel website

    We offer a ready-made and impressive web portal with a promotional video clip on the homepage, designed for a travel blog around the world. Showcase the world of travel on a professional web platform called Travel Blog.

    The website can be customized for any business.

    Technical specifications of the travel website:

    • Content management system.
    • Ability to book tours through the system.
    • Ability to run a travel blog.
    • Responsive design for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.
    • Ability to send newsletters about travel destinations.

    Demo Details
  • Ready-made website for a hotel, resort, or guesthouse.

    A professional foundation for a hotel website with the ability to make room reservations and easily edit content, including a travel blog section.

    The website is available in Basic and PRO versions.

    Technical specifications of the hotel website:

    • Content management system.
    • Integrated room reservation system for the hotel.
    • Advanced photo gallery for showcasing the hotel.
    • Responsive design for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.
    • Integration with booking engine channels in the PRO version.
    • Rating and review system for hotel services.
    • Reservation of additional hotel services.

    Demo Details
  • Web page for charitable organizations.

    A high-quality website solution for charity, foundations, philanthropy, or patronage. Integrated fundraising system.

    Make a difference effectively - a professional website for patronage and charitable activities.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Content management system.
    • Integrated payment gateway.
    • Photo gallery and patron's blog.
    • Funds raised counter.
    • Responsive design for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.
    • Choice of color profile for web pages.

    Demo Details
  • Ready website for commercial projects.

    A modern website for financial and commercial projects designed for presentations related to financial operations. An impressive and professional web page for your business.

    Professional web presentation of financial strategies.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Modern content management system.
    • Integrated financial blog.
    • Option to hide information for registered users.
    • Dynamic catalog with a store feature.
    • Video in the website header.
    • Guaranteed high position in search engines.
    • Animated effects, six color combinations.
    • Responsive design for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.

    Demo Details
  • Website for online clothing sales.

    An effective solution for online trading, specifically in the clothing industry - a ready-made website for an online store with administration, accounting, and one-page product ordering. Fill it with any content you desire.

    Technical specifications of the online store:

    • One-page checkout.
    • Automatic invoice sending.
    • Product inventory system.
    • Administration in Russian language.
    • Support for all mobile devices.
    • HTML5 | CSS3 programming language.
    • W3C - error-free programming.
    • Easy product management.
    • E-shop in Russian language.
    • Promising SEO optimization.
    • Possibility to expand functionality.
    • Possibility to add languages.

    Demo Details
  • Ready-made website for musicians, bands, DJs, and singers.

    Development of web pages for auctions and art galleries exemplified by High Investment Art Agency.

    Professional website with an auction.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Content management system.
    • Customizable feedback forms.
    • Online sales and reservations system.
    • Online auction system.
    • Modifications to auction lot conditions.
    • Auction notification system.
    • Mobile device adaptation.
    • Modern programming language.
    • Schema markup data integration.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO.

    • Demo Details
  • Ready-made website for blogging or news.

    An original solution for web pages for bloggers, news, or writers. Bloggers undoubtedly have a certain authority. To receive commissions from recommended products in your blog, you no longer have to put in a lot of effort.

    Professional blog presentation dedicated to fine art, was implemented for Gostev's Fine Art.

    Specifications of the blogging website:

    • Article rating system.
    • Content management system.
    • Adaptation of the blog for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.
    • Possibility of expanding functionality.

    Demo Details
  • Ready-made website for a pub, beer bar, or cocktail club.

    A project of modern web pages for entertainment establishments with the ability to make online reservations. A high-quality solution for a club establishment website will provide bar, pub, or club owners with a higher rating for their establishment.

    Professional web presentation of a pub, beer bar, or cocktail club.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Content management system.
    • Integrated table or seat reservation system.
    • Adaptation of the website for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.
    • Video presentation of the bar, club, or pub on the website.
    • Automatic menu mailing module for the restaurant.
    • News blog with RSS subscription capability.

    Demo Details
  • Corporate web presentation - a ready-made website with SEO.

    A presentable website with demo content and SEO optimization guarantees high positions in search engines.

    Tested in practice with Dentica

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Modern content management system.
    • Integrated corporate blog.
    • Article rating capability.
    • Easy web editing system.
    • Possibility of a dynamic catalog with a store.
    • Contact forms.
    • Guaranteed high position in search engines.
    • Animation effects on web pages.
    • Adaptation of the website for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.

    Demo Details
  • Ready portfolio website for freelancers.

    A ready-made, presentable portfolio website for anyone who has something to showcase on the internet - graphic designers, architects, web designers.

    A ready solution for online presentation of design portfolio references.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Content management system.
    • Integrated freelancer blog.
    • Organizing the portfolio by themes.
    • Easy web page editing.
    • Possibility of hidden content.
    • Contact forms for feedback.
    • Ability for comments on articles.
    • Automatic newsletter distribution for creative updates.
    • Adaptation for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.

    Demo Details
  • Ready website for portfolio or blog.

    A ready-made, presentable portfolio website for showcasing and maintaining a blog.

    A modern online portfolio presentation will help draw attention to your creativity and abilities in creating creative projects.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Content management system.
    • Integrated K2 blog.
    • Easy web page editing.
    • Possibility of hidden content.
    • Contact forms for feedback.
    • Ability for comments on articles.
    • Possibility of extending functionality.
    • Adaptation for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.

    Demo Details
  • Ready website for modeling, modeling agency.

    A professional webpage for models with demo content ensures prestigious and impressive portfolio presentations for models stepping onto the modeling runway.

    Development and creation of a website in the modeling field - a ready-made, professional solution for web pages for models, hostesses, and agencies.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Website administration in Russian.
    • Integrated model blog.
    • Ability to rate models.
    • Easy web page editing.
    • Possibility of hidden information.
    • Contact forms for feedback.
    • Model catalog.
    • Search for models based on parameters.
    • RWD masonry effect.
    • W3C validity - clean code.
    • Possibility of extending functionality.

    Demo Details
  • Ready website for schools, universities, gymnasiums.

    A presentable web design solution - ready website for educational institutions with demo content.

    A prestigious website for schools, universities, and gymnasiums will help attract prospective students specifically to your educational institution, especially if it is private.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Content management system.
    • Integrated school and university blog.
    • School event countdown.
    • Easy web page editing.
    • Possibility of hidden content.
    • Contact forms for teachers.
    • School event and campaign planner.
    • Automatic distribution of school news.
    • Adaptation for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming languages - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO promotion.

    Demo Details
  • Ready website project for a law firm, attorneys.

    A modern, professional website solution in the field of jurisprudence and law firms.

    A stylish web page solution for legal support and legal consultations.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Content management system.
    • Easy creation of legal web pages.
    • Support for adding lawyer profiles to the website.
    • Support for adding partners to the website.
    • Responsive design for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language.
    • 100% clean source code following W3C standards.
    • Contact forms for clients.
    • Integrated structured data.
    • Blog, gallery, list of lawyer services.

    Demo Details
  • Ready website for showcasing technical innovations, gadgets, and products.

    A presentable, technologically advanced website with a gadget catalog, rating and review system will help popularize your chosen brand.

    Upon request, a modern online store with an electronics product catalog can be added to the web pages.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Modern content management system.
    • Integrated advanced blog.
    • Ability to set gadget ratings.
    • Easy website editing system.
    • Dynamic catalog with an online store capability.
    • User rating system.
    • Guaranteed high search engine ranking.
    • Animated effects on web pages.
    • Website adaptation for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO optimization.

    Website Demo
  • Ready Marketplace. Online Store.

    An e-commerce solution with a dynamic product filter. A modern e-shop with a vintage touch incorporates advanced AJAX technology that instantly filters products in the online store without page reload.

    The speed of finding products in a world where everyone is in a hurry will undoubtedly be appreciated by potential customers of the online store.

    Technical specifications of the online store:

    • Open Source core system.
    • Easy editing.
    • Dynamic product filter.
    • One-page checkout.
    • Auto invoicing.
    • Accounting management.
    • Separation of content and code.
    • Ability to add languages.
    • Expandable functionality.
    • Easy content management.
    • Promising SEO optimization.
    • Scalability of the store.

    Demo Details
  • Ready-to-use Online Store for Trading.

    An e-commerce solution showcasing floristry with a dynamic product filter. A modern e-shop with AJAX technology that filters products in the online store within seconds without page reload.

    Significant time savings on the pages of the online store.

    Technical specifications of the online store:

    • Open Source core system.
    • Easy editing.
    • Dynamic product filter.
    • One-page checkout.
    • Auto invoicing.
    • Accounting management.
    • Separation of content and code.
    • Ability to add languages.
    • Expandable functionality.
    • Easy content management.
    • Promising SEO optimization.
    • Scalability of the store.

    Demo Details
  • A modern website for selling children's products.

    Ready-made solution for a modern online store website focused on selling products for newborns, children, and their parents.

    The ready-made online store with product filtering ensures parents' complete comfort when shopping online for their newborns.

    Technical specifications of the online store:

    • Modern administration system.
    • Integrated online store.
    • Dynamic product filtering.
    • AJAX product filtering through exclusion.
    • Instant product search while typing.
    • Easy product management and inventory.
    • Single-page checkout.
    • Accounting and automatic invoicing.
    • Responsiveness and mobile device adaptation.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Valid source code - an important parameter for SEO website promotion.

    Demo Details
  • An internet store with guaranteed search engine rankings.

    A proven leader in search engines - SEO-optimized online store for retail and wholesale sales online.

    A modern, fast e-shop with advanced product filtering technology, ensuring high SEO positions in search engines and leaving your competitors behind in search results.

    Technical specifications of the online store:

    • Multilingual administration.
    • Integrated SEO e-shop with XML Feed.
    • AJAX product filtering through exclusion.
    • Real-time product search while typing.
    • Easy store management and editing.
    • Single-page checkout.
    • Accounting and automatic invoicing.
    • Mobile device adaptation.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • W3C validity - an important parameter for SEO promotion.

    Demo Details
  • Ready-made website for fitness centers, gyms, and sports clubs.

    A modern online presentation of a website with a sports theme and an online store. A modern and bold sporty web page design with video presentation.

    Trainers' portfolio, sports events calendar, and online store with sports equipment will undoubtedly give sports club owners an edge over their competition.

    Technical specifications of the online store:

    • Built-in video support in the website header.
    • Content management system WordPress.
    • Mobile device adaptation.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Integrated sports online store.
    • Presentation of sports center trainers.
    • Sports events calendar on the website.
    • HTML code validity - important for SEO promotion.
    • Choice of design from 18 color styles.
    • Choice of website header design.

    Demo Details
  • Ready-made website for tourism or hotel business.

    The perfect website solution with a tour, hotel, and apartment booking system. The hotel and tour booking system includes integration with over 100 reservation channels - Booking, Agoda, Tripadvisor, Expedia, Orbitz, and more.

    Professional web development for a travel agency or hotel.

    Technical specifications of the hotel business website:

    • Content management system.
    • Custom hotel room reservation system.
    • Advanced hotel photo gallery.
    • Website adaptation for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - important for SEO promotion.
    • Integration with booking engine channels in the PRO version.
    • Service rating and reviews system for the hotel.
    • Reservation of additional hotel services.

    Demo Details
  • Ready-made website for rental by calendar date.

    The website with the ability to rent items meets the latest technical requirements and user expectations - a user-friendly online rental booking system.

    The website can be tailored to any business.

    Technical specifications of the rental website:

    • Modern CMS based on Open Source.
    • Online store with rental capabilities.
    • Ability to book items by calendar date range.
    • Easy editing of the booking system.
    • Instant dynamic filtering of items.
    • Guaranteed SEO position in search engines.
    • Ability to add custom price modifiers.
    • One-page checkout, automatic invoicing.
    • Mobile device adaptation - RWD.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • 100% Code validity - important for SEO promotion.

    Demo Details
  • Ready professional website for car sales, car dealership, auto market.

    A modern, professional website for car sales primarily aimed at car dealerships and auto markets. The ready-made online store is developed with 100% SEO optimization for search engines.

    The website can be tailored to any business.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Open Source core system.
    • Dynamic car filtering.
    • One-page cart.
    • Automated invoicing.
    • Accounting capabilities.
    • Easy content management.
    • Administration in any language.
    • Promising SEO promotion.

    Demo Details
  • Ready style in the field of escort services. Visual project for sale.

    The effectiveness of the business project lies in offering luxury class services.

    Original, conceptual, and stylish web page design.

    Technical specifications of the website:

    • Content management system.
    • Easy content filling for web pages.
    • Support for adding profiles to the website.
    • Support for adding partners to the website.
    • Mobile responsiveness.
    • Modern programming language.
    • 100% clean source code according to w3c standards.
    • Feedback forms for clients.
    • Integrated structured data.
    • Blog, gallery, list of services.
    • Ability to expand functionalities.

  • Ready web page for a fashion salon.

    Professional solution for an online store showcasing a fashion salon and selling trendy collections. The website can be customized for any other type of business.

    Technical specifications of the online store:

    • Content management system.
    • Integrated designer blog.
    • Professional online store.
    • Sorting of fashion collections by themes.
    • Dynamic filtering by parameters.
    • Stylish gallery of fashion accessories.
    • Selection of clothing sizes with dynamic prices.
    • Website adaptation for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO promotion.

    Demo Details
  • Ready website for a yacht club or hotel business.

    A beautiful website solution with a booking system for yacht cruises and hotels. Opportunity for captain courses and yacht mastery school.

    Professional web development for a yacht club.

    Technical specifications of the yacht business website:

    • Content management system.
    • Own system for yacht tour reservations.
    • Advanced photo gallery.
    • Website adaptation for mobile devices.
    • Modern programming language - HTML5 | CSS3.
    • Code validity - an important parameter for SEO promotion.
    • Connection to booking engine channels in the PRO version.
    • Rating and review system.
    • Reservation of additional hotel services.

    Demo Details
Verkaufspreis 39 EUR
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